Providing quality care for children in the spirit of Christian love

Foster Care Advocacy & Spiritual Support

Our foster care advocacy and spiritual support of the foster care ecosystem in Ohio are rooted firmly in Christian values and scripture. Our core values are:

  • Integrity as evidenced by the truth we speak and the actions we exhibit
  • Serving the spiritual, physical, psychological, and educational welfare of children
  • Stewardship of those resources with which we have been entrusted
  • Cultivating a culture of excellence
  • A spirit of teamwork

All of this means that our foster care advocacy and spiritual support go far beyond the services we provide and make an impact well beyond the people we help directly.

Who We Advocate FOR

Our mission and vision are clear and focused, yet our success requires much broader advocacy across the spectrum of caregivers and youths who need their help.

  • Foster Care Advocacy for Children
    Our mission (providing quality care for children in the spirit of Christian love) and our vision (until every child lives in a safe and loving home, Adriel will be a premier provider of exceptional care to children in need) say it all. 

    We advocate for children in local communities across Ohio, serving the whole child with Christian foster care, kinship, adoption, independent living, family preservation programs, training, and clinical services. 

  • Advocacy for Young Adults
    Youths who are aging out of foster care need a special kind of support that can be challenging to navigate. We advocate for young adults transitioning out of foster care to help them gain access to and employ the many resources available to them through the Bridges program.

  • Advocacy for Foster Parents
    Foster parents and families make it all possible. We depend on them to be the arms that hold, the light that guides, and the hearts that care for the children in Ohio who need foster care advocacy. We advocate for these caregivers through training, counseling, respite care, and ongoing support. 

  • Foster Care Advocacy for Biological Families
    Our goal is always family preservation. That means we’re all on the same side. We are advocates for biological parents and other kinship caregivers who want and need to provide the care their children need through respite care, kinship care, training, coaching, visitation, reunification, counseling, and ongoing assistance.

  • Advocacy for Staff, Volunteers, and Other CareGivers
    All of us need an advocate. Foster care advocacy touches all members of the Continuum of Care, and that includes us! We are always advocates for one another and provide special spiritual support in the form of prayer and living our core values together. 

Who we Advocate WITH

We hold credentials from and partner with other quality organizations to deliver programs, services, and support including training and education, clinical services, foster, kinship, and adoption services, and family preservation support. Here are some of the key organizations in the ecosystem:

Spiritual Support

It is only through the ongoing support and the prayers of faith communities and so many others that we are able to provide quality care for children in the spirit of Christian love and work toward ensuring that every child has a safe and loving home. 

We were founded and continue to grow through our roots and affiliation with the Mennonite Church, including:


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adriel foster parent
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foster training
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