Providing quality care for children in the spirit of Christian love

Adriel Blog > May 17, 2024

Sharing the Love During Foster Parent Appreciation Month

Becoming a foster parent is among the most rewarding yet difficult decisions a person can make. It’s literally life-changing, not only for those who make it, but also for those they help. We thank God each and every day for our foster families who have said YES to being part of the dedicated network of people helping children in our community.

We hope those families feel our gratitude, both in word and deed, throughout the year. But Foster Parent Appreciation Month reminds us that we can never say it enough.  

To help spread the word not only about the joys of being a foster parent but also about the support system that helps carry them through tough times, we’re sharing some insights from four current foster families.

Foster Parent Appreciation Month May 2024

Being a foster parent is not always easy - what makes it worth it?

The Krabills told us, “Our perseverance and mindset… has given us the opportunity to see wonderful children flourish and grow. When you see children previously in your care thriving with their biological/adoptive parents, that’s when it’s been worth the crazy ride of foster care. Having a mindset of adaptability, perseverance, and positivity is a choice. Choosing those things daily, no matter what, even if it’s just a little one day and a lot the next, can change how you and the children in your home view the case. So it’s always important to have those things as a foster parent”

Where do you turn for the support you need when things get challenging? 

“Surround yourself with people who love children and who see the value in foster care,” the Krabills continued. “Foster care is for reunification. That should always be the #1 goal of anyone who becomes licensed as a foster parent... Being connected with like-minded people who understand the foster care system and lots of prayer are two things that cultivate hope for our family. Do life with those people.”

How do your other kids feel about being part of a foster family?

“I was a foster parent before I adopted my daughter so she understands that a child didn’t ask to be brought into this world and all children deserve a fair chance to thrive and be successful,” says foster parent Tracy.

Do you have “best practices” for making your foster kids feel special?

Sharon, a third foster parent, responded with a grounding insight. “I have learned that most of the kids are thankful to have an ordinary meal and be treated like they should be. Every day is a special day for them.”

Ongoing foster parent appreciation through support

The families quoted here are just a few of our many amazing foster families. We thank them all now and always for their love and dedication to the children in their care.  

Along with our constant prayers, Adriel demonstrates our eternal appreciation in tangible ways throug training, coaching, respite care and more. We have a very special community, and as long as there is a child in need, there will be room for another foster parent.  

Do foster parents really feel our gratitude and support?

We’re pleased and proud to answer this one - YES! One more amazing foster mom, Brenda, offered, “We were concerned about not getting the support we needed, but Adriel has been fantastic - every question and concern has been addressed and we’ve felt very supported through the whole process.”

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